I drew on from my inspiration of the sensory map by Kat McLean mentioned in my blog here: https://amyma.myblog.arts.ac.uk/2023/03/16/why-sensory-design/

From this, I took upon myself to draw up some spice and herb maps of Deptford by analysing the location of all the restaurant in Deptford and noting down what spices they each used in their cuisines. For example, a Caribbean restaurant that had jerk chicken on their menu, through research, would use the spices of paprika, cumin, all spice etc. This was then visualised on a map illustration. I focused on 11 spices, and individually extracted their shape, to map my own spice pods. A very literal representation.

This went on to shape my spice pods, creating organic forms, that people can dine inside and spices can hydroponically grow within the biomes.